

臺2003年刺桐釉小蜂(Quadrastichus erythrinae)入侵臺灣,對刺桐造成極嚴重之危害,臺11公路沿線及本處栽培者亦然。主要是雌蟲產卵注入新生嫩芽或葉片,造成組織的異常增生,進而形成蟲癭,影響葉子生長與養份之製造,整體情況讓樹勢轉弱或死亡。在前述世界分布生長地區,都深受此蟲嚴重危害與滅種憂慮之困擾。本處最初摘種有45棵,陸續死亡,在林試所協助下,此刻尚保有9棵。

India coral tree is a thorny deciduous tree, where its bark is patterned with light grey stripes. Its leaves are pinnate, with each leaflet growing up to 10-15cm in both length and width. Its crimson flowers blossom in dense clusters during April to May, and its seed pods can grow up to 20cm in length. The seeds itself are red and are usually 1.5cm in diameter. Slightly toxic, eating can cause dizziness or vomiting.
This tree is distributed across tropical regions of Southeast Asia, including Taiwan, Ryukyu Islands of Japan, India, Malaysia and Polynesia. Most of the aboriginals in Taiwan marks its blossom time as the beginning of the farming season. Though, the India coral tree is often valued as an ornamental tree.
In 2003, the Erythrina gall wasp (Quadrastichus erythrinae) was introduced in Taiwan. It quickly became an invasive species that swiftly killed off most of the India coral trees along provincial highway 11. The wasp would lay their eggs into the tree saplings or leaves, which will then feed off and disrupt the growth of the tree.