
花序長約15~25 公分,淡紫色;花瓣5枚,雄蕊筒呈紫黑色,與花瓣同長;花蕊10,子房著生於短的花盤上,5~6室,每室內含胚珠2枚;花柱短,藏於雄蕊筒內,柱頭頭狀。果實呈核果狀,橢圓形,徑1公分,成熟時呈黃褐色,而木質化之豎核,再分成6室,每室有種子1粒。


Chinaberry tree is a deciduous tree that is native to Japan, China, India and Taiwan. Its leaves can grow up to 50cm long, and they are alternate, long-petioled, odd-pinnate. Its leaflets are dark green on the upper surface and light green below. Its light purple flowers grow in clusters and are small and fragrant. Its light yellow fruit is a drupe, marble-sized when fully matured.
During the winter its flowers and fruits would wrinkle up and turn white; the locals usually associate this with misfortune, thus one would never plant this tree in their home gardens. Nevertheless, this tree is still valued as an ornamental tree and is commonly planted in parks and sidewalks. In 1830, Chinaberry tree was introduced into the US as an ornamental tree, but it was later regarded as an invasive species.
Chinaberry tree is known for its durability, and it’s a popular source of high quality timber. Its seeds, although slightly poisonous, can be used in herbal medicine. Its roots and tree bark is highly toxic and can be used to make pesticide.