具垂狀枝之灌木,植株高1~2公尺。枝條褐色,被灰色柔毛。葉十字對生,葉柄長約1公分;葉片卵形、倒卵形或橢圓形,長2.5~8公分,先端鈍、基部楔形、全緣、肉質、有腺點,揉碎後有微臭味。花為白色細筒狀,細筒長約1.5~2公分,腋生或頂生聚傘花序。花序柄長約1~4 公分,花3~7朵;花瓣5~6瓣、白色,稍具芳香;雄蕊5,花絲紫色,與花柱均外伸甚長,大量開花時甚為漂亮。果實呈倒卵形,海綿質,藍黑色轉褐熟,長約1.2 公分,種子扁長卵形,長約0.8公分,屬海漂散布型種實。


臺灣西海岸有一種苦檻藍科的苦檻藍(Myoporum bontioides)與它長的很近似,一般可以苦檻藍葉互生,略呈倒披針狀長橢圓形,先端尖,基部狹長,花1~3朵簇生於葉腋,花冠鐘形淡紫色來區別。

Indian privgp is a vine shrub that typically grows up to one to two meters tall. Its branches are brown and pubescent with grey furs. Its leaves are elliptic, 2.5–8 cm in length and acute at the tip. Its flowers are fragrant; the pedals are pure white and are companied by long purple stamens. Its dark blue seeds are round, 1.2 in length, and turn brown as they mature.
This tree is distributed across Tropical parts of Africa, such as Madagascar, and all the way to Australia. It is generally used as an ornamental tree for parks and sidewalks. Fishermen from the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan have also been using its wood to craft diving goggles. Its roots and leaves can also be used in herbal medicine to treat muscle pain and infections.