
多數桑科榕屬的植物會在枝幹上結隱花果,外觀上來看並不似一般常見的花,這其實是花軸膨大成花托,把小花都包藏在裡頭,稱為「隱頭花序」(hypanthodium)。花序頂端有一小孔,可讓「授粉榕小蜂」鑽進去幫它傳粉。熟成的果實稱為隱花果(如來自中亞常見的零食―無花果乾 (turkey fig) 亦同)。另在平野地區有一種同屬的雀榕(Ficus wightiana Benth)與它長得很像,可以雀榕葉子較窄(4~8公分)、成熟果實較大(1~1.5公分),以及果苞早落及成熟果色呈深粉紅這幾點來區分。

至於柬埔寨吳哥窟古城上之巨樹,雖然也有此種纏勒或絞殺特性,甚至更為壯觀,但牠並非薔薇目(Rosales)下的桑科植物,而是葫蘆目(Cucurbitales)四樹木科的四樹木(Tetrameles nudiflora R. Br.)。在此,寺廟與大樹盤結在一起,宛如共生關係,古廟被樹吞噬、破壞,樹木幹枝深入建築物生長;根部穿越石縫之間尋找養分,進而破壞古廟結構,該狀態令人驚恐及讚賞。

Large leaf red fruit fig is a deciduous tree that is common in tropical regions. Its tree bark is grayish brown. Its leaves are alternate, elliptic , 15 - 20 cm in length, and 7 - 9.5 in width. Its flowers are hypanthodium, meaning that they grow inside a berry like structure, and they blossom during April to July. Its white fruits turn dark purple when fully matured. The fruit is highly attractive to avian life. Its seeds would then be carried elsewhere by the birds and would grow into saplings around other trees if the conditions meet. The saplings are considered to be“parasitic”and will wrap around its host tree, eventually replacing it.