

本種與名列世界百大入侵生物的「春不老」(Ardisia squamulosa Presl.)長得很像,並指出其原產地在臺灣,且常因此把二種互混或誤認。市面上園藝界販售者,以「春不老」較常見,且多予冠上「蘭嶼樹杞」之名出售,並因此在少部份公園或河川地區,已建立野外馴化族群,日後是否形成入侵植物(invasive plants)危害本土物種,有待注意。至於「春不老」究竟原產於何處尚待查明。其實二者頗容易區別,可以「春不老」葉形呈披針狀長卵形、質地較薄、嫩葉、幼葉及葉柄紅色及漿果壓縮球形等明顯差異來區分。

Ardisia elliptica is an evergreen tree that can grow up to 5 meters in height. Its leaves are elliptic, alternate, 6–11 cm in length, 3–5 cm in width. Its flowers are light pink and its fruits are durpes that turn dark purple when fully matured. Its seeds are drift seeds.
This tree is distributed across Malaysia, the Philippines, and Taiwan. It is generally planted as ornamental trees in parks and streets, and attracts avian life. Due to its ability to reach maturity from saplings within 2–4 years and their fast reproduction rate, Ardisia elliptica is considered as an invasive species in the western countries.