
原生於非洲東部、南印度洋至南海、中國、馬來西亞與澳洲南太平洋沿海地區,在臺灣多生長於海濱,以恆春半島為多,為濱海極佳之抗風植物。其種植以種子播種繁殖為主,也是公園、行道樹及種子苗盆栽界常見的栽培對象。具有海岸平地樹木少見的特性―果實會漂浮於海水上,由洋流協助分布的海漂散布物種(drift disseminule)。另於本處山腳下的都歷信義國小,有一棵自創校種植至今,年齡已超過70年的老樹。

核果轉赤褐色時可生食,有甜味。但在國外作為皮膚用藥(Tamanu Oil)不宜過量。在南太平洋島嶼國家,多將其串成迎賓或典禮用之項鍊;另有部份國家,則與歐美國家或日本合作,將種子提煉成油供作藥用。此油對皮膚乾燥,濕疹和牛皮癬等皮膚病有緩和效果。若經冷壓者(Cold-pressed Pomegranate Oil)主用在護粧店,塗抹經由按摩幫助滋養,對因污染物和老化受損肌膚,可刺激外表皮細胞的再生,而達到護膚作用。另本屬(Calophyllum Spp.)木材是南洋材之一種,可作家俱或裝潢用材料。

Bintangor is a large evergreen tree that is low branching and slow growing. Its leaves are oval, 10–18 cm in length, and glossy. Its flowers are racemose or paniculate inflorescences, white, and fragrant. Its fruits are round, green drupe, typically 2–4 cm in diameter with a single large seed. When fully ripen, the fruit will turn brown and wrinkled.
This tree is native to Africa and Southeast Asia. In Taiwan, Bintagor is commonly found along the coastlines. It is widely cultivated for ornamental purposes, and its seeds can be fried to produce tree oil for skin products. This tree can also be used as timber for construction purposes.