常綠喬木,樹皮紅褐色。葉長倒卵形或長橢圓形,全緣、革質、光滑,先端鈍或圓,有時呈凹頭;互生,多叢生於枝端,中肋顯著,殆無柄,長20~30公分,寬10~15公分。頂生總狀花序,兩性花,花4~15枚,大形,顯著張開狀,開放時徑12~15公分,花瓣4枚,闊卵形,白色或帶淡紅色;雄蕊多數,花絲細長,白色,但先端為紅色,著生於花瓣基部。果壓縮陀螺形,具四稜,長寬約11×11公分,外果皮光滑,中果皮具纖維質;種子1。花期 7~9 月。



Fish poison tree is an evergreen tree growing to 7 – 25 meters tall, and its tree bark is reddish brown. Its leaves are long and oval, 20 – 30cm in length, and 10 – 15cm in width, glossy, and alternate. Its fruit is known as Box Fruit due to its geometric shape. It measures 9 -11 cm in diameter and is dispersed by ocean current. As a drift seed, the fruit can stay afloat and survive for at least 15 years in the ocean. Its large pinkish white flowers are fragrant which attracts bats and moths for pollination.
This tree is distributed across the Indian Ocean, all the way to Southeast Asia and Australia. The entire tree is poisonous, and its seeds can be grounded into powder and used to stun or kill fish, hence its name. Although poisonous, Fish poison tree is often planted in parks or on the streets for ornamental and shade purposes.