
Dwarf Umbrella Tree
Schefflera arboricola Hayata
五加科 (Araliaceae)
鴨腳木屬 (Schefflera)


鵝掌蘗僅產於臺灣及海南島中、低海拔森林,但導入園藝界後,於世界各地之公園或室內觀賞植物均可見普遍栽培。本種與產於菲律賓呂宋、巴丹、民答納峨及巴拉望、泰國、馬來西亞及臺灣僅見於蘭嶼的鵝掌藤(Schefflera odorata (Blanco) Merr.&Rolfe)長的很像或中名互有混淆,主要的差別在產蘭嶼者,葉柄 / 小葉比更大、葉圓卵形至圓形,波狀緣,小葉6-7或更少。其原因在產於臺灣的本種(鵝掌蘗),在園藝界大量繁殖推廣下,多以「鵝掌藤」來稱呼,久而久之,市面上的「鵝掌藤」中名,就取代原先用在蘭嶼的種類,且專用在稱呼本種為主了。


Mexican frangipani is a deciduous tree that typically grows to around 3–5 meters tall. Its tree bark is light gray, soft, and produces white sap. Its leaves are alternate, 20–30 cm in length, 5–10 cm in width, long oval shaped, and acute at the tip. Its yellowish white flowers grow in panicles, and blossom during May to July.

This plant is native to Mexico and Central America. It was introduced in Taiwan in 1646 by the Dutch and was further planted by the Japanese during their occupation. Mexican frangipani is generally regarded as an ornamental tree, and can be seen planted in parks and schools. The native Hawaiians are known to use its flowers to craft headbands for celebrations and ornaments. The flower is also a national flower for Laos. In Yunnan, China, this tree is regarded as one of the five sacred trees, and is present in every local temple. In Guangdong, China, its flower is one of the ingredients for the five flower tea. However, most of the plants that belong to the Apocynaceae family, including Mexican frangipani, are poisonous. Consuming raw parts of the tree, including the flowers and fruits, will cause serious health risks.
